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Journal : Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 15, No 3 (2015): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (487.652 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v15i3.165


National development in the developing countries in general , focused on economic development through economic growth efforts . Economic growth is closely related to the increased production of goods and services , as measured among others by the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) at the national level and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP ) at the local level either provincial , district and city.In economic development , local government and responsible role in improving the standard of living and welfare. Regional economic development is a process in which local governments and communities to manage resources that exist and form a partnership with the private sector to create new jobs and stimulate the development of economic activities in the region.Keyword :gross domestic product (GDP)
Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Provinsi Jambi Sudirman Sudirman; Susilawati Susilawati
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 18, No 3 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.976 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v18i3.530


The contribution of local revenue (PAD) to regional income during the 2012-2016 period on average was 37.99% per annum and for 2012 the contribution of local revenue to regional income was 37.02%. This is due to the fact that the receipt of original regional income from third party contributions is very large. On average during the period of 2012-2016 the ability of local tax is relatively low if linked to the Gross Regional Domestic Product. While the power of regional retribution if associated with Gross Regional Domestic Product is also still relatively low, but has increased from year to year. This shows that management management in receiving regional retribution has increased. On average during the 2012-2016 period the realization of local tax revenues reached 103.63% per year (very effective) from the target of local tax revenue. In addition, the realization of regional retribution revenue reaches 103.20% per year (very effective) from the target of receiving regional retribution. Whereas the realization of BUMD profit income only reached 131.01% per year (very effective) from the target of BUMD profit income and the realization of other revenue from legitimate PAD only reached 109.36% per annum (very effective). On average, the economic growth rate of Jambi Province is 5.18% per year, it is expected that the increase in local tax revenue elasticity will increase by 8.90% per year. elasticity of the increase in regional retribution receipts is 12.91% per year. The dependency ratio of Jambi Province in the period of 2012-2016 was an average of 31.69 percent per year. Jambi province's regional autonomy ratio in the 2012-2016 period is an average of 12 percent per year with instructive conditions means it is very dependent on the central government
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 11, No 1 (2011): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.28 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v11i1.453


The economic structure ofJambiProvinceis characterized by the role of each sector, such as agriculture, service sector, industrial sector and other sectors. The agricultural sector plays an important role in improving and expanding employment opportunities, therefore this sector can not be ignored altogether. Sebahagian small agricultural production is done by small farmers and their scattered locations inJambiProvince. This sector plays an important role in enhancing regional economic growth Jambi. One of the products sub-sector of agriculture is rice paddies. Basically rice is a commodity that has a very important role for the economic development area of Jambi. The contribution of rice to the local income Jambi also great. In addition, rice is still acting as a source of livelihood of farmers in some regions including the District of Jambi province Jambi Muaro. Muaro Jambi is one area where most inhabitants live in the countryside and live as farmers. As for agricultural crops cultivated in the district of Jambi is Muaro Food crops (rice, rice), crops and fruit plantations. Increasing rice production can be done on agricultural land that has been developed.
KONTRIBUSI WANITA BEKERJA TERHADAP PENDAPATAN RUMAH TANGGA (Kasus Tenaga Kerja Wanita Pada PT.PSUT Sarang Burung Kec.Jambi Luar Kota) Sudirman Sudirman; Ahmadi Ahmadi
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 13, No 4 (2013): November
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.427 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v13i4.335


As a result of the loss of employment in the rural farming , also affect women as a component of rural households. In the end, the women find employment outside the sector agriculture in both rural and urban region . During this time that the concentration of development economists is more focused on the study of women workers who migrate to the city areas . However, in reality there are many women workers are still living in rural areas and engage in various economic activities .The involvement of women in economic activity and the activity at the same time stairs to do with changes in the economic structure , especially in rural areas is one of the interesting things that has not been revealed , especially women who are bound in the Company PT.PSUT Kec.Jambi Lauar City Bird's Nest . In this area to work in the industrial sector is one of the types of businesses that the majority of women do . The assessment was conducted to determine the extent of the involvement of women in the industry particularly with respect Palywood PT.PSUT involvement in the business reason , or is also one form of response to the structural changes that occur in the countryside .Keyword :  Women working income, Sideline Income, Total Income
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 12, No 3 (2012): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (252.379 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v12i3.53


Motorcycle taxi is one of the areas of employment in the informal sector paratransit mode operating in Indonesia. Paratransit term applies to a small passenger vehicle that operates by pulling unofficial costs, and serve a number of places as an alternative to regular bus transportation service. Paratransit operates in the environment variable - fixed space (Jitney), or space-time variables fixed or variable - time range (taxi rides - including a motorcycle taxi call therein). Motorcycles motorcycle to be one type of transportation service is effective because it can be used any time, the service is quite extensive and relatively low cost. Motorcycle taxi is also a major transport for those living in the suburbs or in rural areas therefore transportation paratransit taxi.In this study, the income of a motorcycle in the district of the city of Jambi east jambi  influenced by two variables, number of passengers and number of hours of work. Motorcycles motorcycle to be one type of transportation service is effective because it can be used any time, the service is quite extensive and relatively low cost. Motorcycle taxi is also a major transport for those living in the suburbs or in rural areas therefore transportation paratransit taxi.This study uses primary data analyzed by the method of observation to have data on the influence of the number of passengers and hours worked on a motorcycle revenue, In this study the entire study population is a motorcycle that is in the Eastern District Jambi city of Jambi , that as many as 743 people.The conclusion from this study showed variable X1 (number of passengers) and X2 (hours worked) can explain the changes in a motorcycle revenue by 54% and the number of passengers (X1) and hours worked (X2) is very significant effect on earnings handyman motorcycles with the F value is calculated 57 291 is greater than F-table value of 19.2. If the number of passengers increases a person then the income of Rp taxi ride. 7202.185, and if the hours worked increased 1 hour then a motorcycle revenue will increase by Rp. 2535, 868. Thus, to encourage increased motorcycle taxi driver in District of income East Jambi Jambi City should encourage an increase in the number of passengers with a better service strategy and condition of the vehicle a more vibrant.Keyword :  Passengers, Hours of Work, Income
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 14, No 4 (2014): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.041 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v14i4.226


Education in an organization is a process towards the development of capabilities desired by the organization concerned . While drills and emergency training is part of a process of education that aim to improve one's ability or special skills to know a group of people . education in general related to preparing candidates required by an agency or organization while exercise / training associated with increased capabilities or skills of employees who have occupied a particular job or task. Produktitivitas measurement is a key indicator of the progress of economic theory as well as to a nation or a specific industry that is closely related to the real incomes of workers' living standards . Productivity is a measure of the ability of the factors of production to produce an output or as a measure of the level of efficiency and the Effectiveness of each resource that is used during the process of ongoing productivity , by comparing the amount of output used .Keyword :  education, productivity, economic sectors
Pengaruh Kepemimpinan dan Disiplin terhadap Motivasi Kerja Serta Dampaknya pada Kinerja Pegawai Bidang Pelayanan Langsung Rumah Sakit Umum Nurdin Hamzah Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur Husni Thamrin; Saiyid Syeikh; Sudirman Sudirman
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 23, No 2 (2023): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v23i2.4117


Achievement or job performance is the qualitative and quantitative result of work done when tasks are completed in accordance with assigned responsibilities. Performance is a measure of the success of health services and reflects the responsibilities of service organizations within the framework of good governance. Hospital Performance refers to the realization of the goals set by medical and administrative personnel. The Institute of Management Development (IMD) stated in the World Competitiveness Yearbook 2022 report that Indonesia's competitiveness has now risen from 38th in 2020 to 44th. According to the results of Nurdin Hamzah Hospital's 2022 staff performance review, it is still not the best in terms of average performance. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of leadership and discipline on job motivation and its impact on employee performance in the direct service area of Nurdin Hamzah General Hospital, East Tanjung Jabung Regency. The sample is drawn in the way of overall sampling, drawn from all direct service personnel, up to 108 people. According to the results of partial significance test (t statistical test), it is found that the leadership part has a significant impact on employee performance, the discipline part has no significant impact on employee performance, and the motivation part has a significant impact on employee performance. Based on the results of simultaneous analysis (F-test), the model in this study was proved to be correct/feasible. From this it can be concluded that leadership and discipline simultaneously affect performance through variable motivation.
Co-Authors A. Juasmin A. Mahendra, A. A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Aa Nunu Aste Lestari Aan Juhana Senjaya Abdul Gafur Abdul Kadri, Abdul Abdul Rahman Abdulhalim Abubakar Abdullah Abdullah Abidin Pasaribu Abidin Pasaribu Abral, Hairul Achmad Najib Adawiyah, Robyathul Ade Setiawan Adel Fisli Adhari, Thohir Aditya, Heni Adnyani, L. D. S Adnyani, L.D.S Afgani Dahlan, Jarnawi Afrizal Afrizal Ag. Bambang Setiyadi Agus Perdana Windarto Agustang, Andi Tenri Pada Agustina Dwi Jayanti Ahadi Ahadi ahmad yani Ahmad Yani Ahmadi Ahmadi Ajeng Putri Widiarti Akbar Akbar Akbar, Hairil Akrom, Akrom Al Hariyanto Al Hariyanto Alfa Nelwan Alfa Nelwan Alfi Asben Alhudhori, M Aloisius Loka Son Alok Singh Chauhan Aloma Karo Karo Amalia, Nurul Dzikra Dzakira Amir Ali Amiruddin Siahaan Anak Agung Gede Agung Andi Reza Alief Chairin Noor, Andi Reza Alief Andi Reza Alief Chairin Nor, Andi Reza Andi Sismar Andri, Moh. Andri, Mohammad Andy Eddy Anik Asfiyatin Anindya Ananda Hapsari Anjar Hermadi Saputro Anton Setiawan Honggowibowo Anwar Kasim Anzar, Muhammad Apit Fathurohman Apriandi, Nanang Aprisye, Andriani Ara Bella Pandora Vista Arbi Dimyati ardiansyah ardiansyah ARDIANSYAH ARDIANSYAH Ari Krisna, Ari Arikusnadi, Ni Wayan Aris Mustofa Arlin Arlin Armi Wulanawati, Armi Arna Suryani Arung Gihna Mayapada Arya Gatama Ashar Ashar Aslim Rasyad Asrin Asrin Asrin Asrin Athanasia Amanda Septevani Ayu Adhita Damayanti Ayu Nurul Haryudiniarti Ayu Prameswari Ayu Rosyada AYU WULANSARI, AYU Ayudina, Yenita Azzahra, Septia ‘Ulya, Wafirotul Bachri, Syabbul Bahruddin Baiq Santi Oktaviani Bakri Bakri Bakri., Bakri Baliarta, I Nyoman Gede Bambang Setiyadi Basril A. Basril Abbas Basturi Hasan Batalipu, Moh. Izhar A Batalipu, Nur Rahma Brainvendra Widi Dionova Budi Budi Budi Widiyanto Budiman Budiman Budiman Budiman Budimansyah Budimansyah Budimawan Budimawan Bukri Bukri Camilo Andrés Rodríguez-Nieto Cholis Sa’dijah Cindy Laras Sapitri Cucu Sutarsyah Daharnis Daharnis Daryanti Daryanti Deddy Supriyadi Dede Ngadino Dedy Supriyadi Dela Septy Arum Deni Mustika Desi Setianingrum Desilya Anggraini Deswita Deswita Dewa Ayu Rini Dewi Puspita Dewi Shinta Achmad Dewi Sondari Dewi, Hevny Kartika Dian Anggraini Dian Burhani Dian Iramani, Dian Dini Kurnia Nursepti Dio Ferizka Diyah Fatmasari Djenta Saha Dwi Paramitha DWI SURYANTO Dwinna Rahmi Edhita Gloria Simanjuntak Edi Cahyono Edi Syafri Editha Gloria Simanjuntak Edy Rosadi Effendy, Indra Eka Prasetia Hati Baculu, Eka Eko Sumantri ELIHAMI, ELIHAMI Emil Budianto Emilia, Elka Emmy Yuanita Emmy Yuanita Emmy Yuanita Endang - Gunaisah Enden Mina, Enden Erizal Erizal Ernaningsih Ernaningsih Ervina Natalia Erwin Apriyandi Esy Octa Utami Eva Susanti Evi Evi Fadlia, Warzika Fahruddin Fahruddin Fanitalya Fanitalya Farid Hidayatullah Fauzi Febrianto Fauzi, Rifki Ahmad Fauzi Ahmad Feni Munifatullah Ferayani Ultica Ferdian Syah Ferry Siswadhi Fifi Desmiyati Finta Amalinda Firma Pradesta Amanah Firmansyah Firmansyah Fita Widiyatun Fitri Fitri Fitriyani Fitriyani Flora Flora Galang Isnawan, Muhamad Gede Eka Putrawan Gia Arya Azzahara Gita Novi Ariani Grace Irene Viodyta Watung Gumelar, Reisintiya Resky Gunadi, Farid Habibah, Ayu Hadi Santoso Hadi Santoso Halimatus Sakdiah Hamdan Haniifan Hamdi akhsan, Hamdi Hamid, Abd. Haris Handayani, Silvia Mariah Handayani, Silvia Mariah Hartati Hartati Hartawati, K.M N Hasminidiarty Hasminidiarty Hasnawati Hasnawati Hasrianty, Hasrianty Hassena Deva Suhendra Hayyu Bahrul Bambang Hendri Marhadi Henny Rumiyanti Henny Rumiyanti Heri Ahmadi Heri susanto Jaka Herlina Yusuf, Herlina Herman Herman Herniah, Herniah Hery Yufrizal Hevny Kartika Dewi Hezron Alhim Dos Santos Hijrianto, Hijrianto HIKMAD HAKIM Husni Thamrin Huzairin Huzairin I Gede Satria Vicakhsana I Made Joni I Made Sudana I MADE SUDARMA I Made Yudana I Nyoman Jaya Wistara I Nyoman Satria Indra Pebriawan I Putu Indra Kusuma I Wayan Karda Iche Nila Kusna Ifna, Ruhaisal , Ikram Ikram Imelda Ayu Mustika indra wijaya Indriati Nurul Hidayah Intan Fitriani Aulia Irfan Juliandy Irina Popoi Irma Nadziroh Irvana Fabella Ishmatul Maula, Ishmatul Iskandar Iskandar Islamul Hadi Ismail Said Israwati Israwati Iwan Sumarlan Iwan, Ranti Jamalludin, Bella Retno Jamaluddin Sakung Jamhari Jamhari Jamilah Jamilah Jariana, Jariana Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan Jauhari, Hardian Jaya, Andi Mas Jenisus O. Dejarlo Joko Setyo Puji Santoso Joni Rokhmat K.M N Hartawati Kadir Kadir Karmin Karmin Kartadi Ni Komang Amelia Kartini Kartini Ketut Budiastra Khaeriyah, Hamzah Khairatun Najwa Mohd Amin Kinanti, Lutfia Putri Kinanti, Lutfia Putri Kistiono Kistiono Kistiono Kistiono Komang Wastawan Kun Harjiyanto Kurnia Kurnia L. D. S Adnyani L.D.S Adnyani La Ode Muhamad Magribi La Ode Musa Rachmat Lahinta, Rachmat Lailiya, Ulfa Laksana, Putu Prabha Laksono Trisnantoro Lalu Agung Gede Buana Lalu Elwan Wibawa Lalu Sumarlin Lamidja, Kiko Nurveiz Langingi, Ake Royke Calvin Lapangoyu, Adelfin Lasawedi, M. Fahmy. Leni Elvira Lestari, Aa Nunu Aste Lestari, Wiwit Damayanti Lidya Utami Lili Andriani Lizuardi, Amiril Lufri Lufri Lukman Abadi Luluk Muhayanah Lutfi Uzlifatul Jannah Luthfiyati Nurafifah M. B. A Pratiwi M. Banda Selamat M. Banda Selamat, M. Banda M. Choiroel Anwar M. Zahari Ma’yum, Rizka Dewi R. Made Ery Arsana Mahadi, Nur Rizky Putri Maharan, Anindya Putri Mahfud Palo Mahmud Alpusari Mahmud, Fharitz R. Mahpul Mahpul Mahsun Mahsun Mahyuni Mahyuni Makbul Muksar Mangkau, Ahkam Bakir Mansur Hakim Mardiyono Mardiyono Maria Martilova Maria Ulfa Maria Ulfa Marianah Marianah Marjohan Marjohan Markhamah Markhamah MARWAN MAS Marwanto Marwanto Maryati Maryati Marzuki Marzuki Mashadi Mashadi Masjaya, Andi Matu, Marsita S. Dj Maula, Inayatul Mbawo’o, Wahyudin Mela Andriani Melati Dwi Anda Syaputri Melizubaida Mahmud Mellawaty Melly Ariska Meriyana Ekasari Meutia Meutia Meyko Panigoro Mia Nurkhofifah Miftachur Rohibah Miranti Miranti Misbah Sururi Moh. Irawan Zain Mohamad Andri, Mohamad Mohammad Fikri Moonti, Sri Wayudin Moonti, Sriwahyudin Mua, Erik Muanah, Muanah Muh Kurnia Muh Kurnia Muh Suryono Muh. Anshar Muh. Burhan Muhamad Ikbal Muhamad Risman Pido Muhamad, Samsul Muhammad Akbar Muhammad Ali Hanafiah Muhammad Irfan Hasanuddin Muhammad Jufri Muhammad Kurnia Muhammad Mujtaba Habibi, Muhammad Mujtaba muhammad muslim Muhammad Nasri Katman Muhammad Nur Muhammad Riadi, Muhammad Muhammad Sukirlan Muhammad Syahril Muhammad Tahir Muhlis Muhlis Muhtar Muhtar Mukti Zainuddin Muliati, Ni Made Mulyaningsih, Neng Nenden Munawaroh Munawaroh Musbir Musbir Musfina Rahma Mustamin, Asyraf Muzayyana, Muzayyana Nabila Putri Nabila Visa Pratiwi Nadila Nadila Nadya Ayu Paradita Nadya Oktarima Naima Naima Nandang Nariyati, Ni Putu Linda Nasir Nasir Natsir Nessa Nely andriani Neneng Siti Aminah Ni Komang Tri Dharmayani ni made anggi arlina putri Ni Putu Astiti Pratiwi Ni Wayan Destriani Ningsih, Risky Aulia Ningsih, Safitri Ninsix, Retti Nisa Fitriyani Nizhami, Avicenna An- Nizmayanun Nizmayanun Nopiandi, Yogi Nor Aizyah Nor, Andi Reza Alief Chairin Novita Nurlaili Nunung - hasanah Nur Adliani Nur Afni Nur Fitriani Nur Hafsah Yunus Nur Halima Yusuf Nur Rohmatun Nurachman Hanafi, Nurachman Nurdin, Moh Nurfaidah Nurfaidah Nurhayati Nurhayati Nuril Nuzulia, Nuril Nurliah Buhari Nursan Nursan, Nursan Nurstifani, Elsa Nurul Hidayat A Nurul Hikma Saleh, Sitti Nurul Laili Arifin Nurwina, Nurwina Nyoman Adi Irawan Osrita Hapsara Osrita Hapsara Palinggi, Fransiska Pantun Bukit Passapari, Erwin Patala, neusry Januar Patuan Raja Phalis, Annisa Putri Ana Pramudya, Moh Rivaldhy Pratiwi, M. B. A Puji Arisa Puji Supriyani Purnama, Surya Purnawati, Renny Puteri, Ade Dita Putra Mahardhika Putri, Gita Ananda Putri, Riskin Ade Putu Tressya, Susanti Rahma Sari Rahmad Kasim Rama Indera Kusuma Ramadhita Ramadhita, Ramadhita Ramlan Ginting Suka Rasilah Rasilah rasilah, rasilah Rasyid, Rusman RATIH LANGENATI Ratih Widiasari Ratna Purnama Sari Rekka, Rendy Retnani Dian Mudiastuti Ridho Ridho Ridwan Ridwan Rima Wati Arifin Risna S Tialo Risnayanti, Risnayanti Rivai, Mochammad Rosmaladewi Rosmaladewi Rosmini Maru Rosnawati Rosnawati, Rosnawati Rosyadi Rosyadi Rosyadi, Rosyadi Rousilita Suhendah Rr. Fauzia Nurfitri Rukmana Rukmana Rusdiawan Rusdiawan Rusdiawan, Rusdiawan S Siswanto S. W., Putri Erly Sabriyah Sabriyah, Sabriyah Safruddin Safruddin Saha, Djenta SAHABUDDIN SAHABUDDIN Sahnan Sahnan Saifuddin Saifuddin Saiyid Syeikh Saiyid Syekh Samsul Muhamad Samsuri Tirtosastro Samudera, Wawan SANI SUSANTI Saparini Saparini Saprizal Hadisaputra Saptono Waspodo, Saptono Saputra Saputra Saragih, Mahfuzi Irwan Sarip Hidayat Sarip Hidayat, Sarip Sartika Sartika Satriawan, Dery Satriawan, Dery Sekar Dini Selvia Gustina Senjaya, Aan J. Sepri Sumbung Setiawan, Lucito Shirtha El Rusyda Silvi Rahmi Simau, Silvester Siradjuddin Siradjuddin Sirajudin Sirajudin Siti Nikmatin Siti Nurhaida, Siti Siti Soleha Siti Suhartati, Siti Sofyan Damrah Hasan Soleha, Siti Solly Aryza Sri Agustina Kasim Sri Kurniawati Sri Laksmi, Ni Luh Putu Sri Mindia Vanessa Pratiwi Sri Mulijani Sri Rahayu Syah Sri Wahyuni Sriyani Oktavia, Sriyani St. Aisjah Farhum St. Aisjah Farhum, St. Aisjah Subanji Subanji Sucerni, Sucerni Sudarni, Ni Wayan Sudaryo Sudaryo Sudirman Sudirman Sudirman Sudirman Sugianti, Sachiko Sugik Sugiantoro, Sugik Suhubdy Suhubdy Sukaini, Sukaini Sukarni Sukarni Sukoriyanto Sukoriyanto Sukri Nyompa Sulaiman Sulaiman Sulharman Sulharman Sulistioso Giat S. Sulistioso Giat Sukaryo, Sulistioso Giat Sumarsono Sumarsono Sumarsono Sumarsono Sumbung, Sepri Sumiati Side Supardi Rustam Suparlan Al Hakim supiani S.Pd Suprapta Suprapta, Suprapta Supriyana Supriyana Suriah Hanafi Suriah Suriah Suriati, Ni Luh Suryono, Muh Susanti Putu Tressya Susdiana, Baiq Emilia Susilawati Susilawati Susilawati, Susilawati Suwati Suwati Swasono Rahardjo Syafruddin Syafruddin Syahjoko Saputra, Iwan Syahri, Jufrizal Syamsu Alam Ali Syamsuar Syamsuar, Syamsuar Syamsul Hidayat Dilaga Syuhendri, Syuhendri Ta'adi Ta'adi Ta'adi Ta'adi Tacca Prita Yudhistira Tantu, H. Usman Y TATI NURHAYATI Taufan, Mochammad Taufiq Nur Tawali Tawali Tengku Nurhidayah Thamrin W., Thamrin Thohir Adhari Tiska Mayzura Titi Hardiyanti Titik Oktavia Titin Meirani Torowati Torowati Totanan, Chalarce Tri Dharmayani, Ni Komang Triya Heni Riyanti Tuti Suryani Ubaidillah Ubaidillah Ujang Suparman Ulfayanti, Ulfayanti Ulpah Ulpah Umida Baltaeva Usman Moonti Vera Welianti Very Indra Wahyu W.K, Muh. Yasin Noor Wahidah, Robiatul Widiartana, Gede Widya Rahmatika Rizaldi Winarti, Ni Nengah Wirawan Wirawan Wisnu Arya Abdillah Wisnu Wijaya Wiwin Alawiyah Wulandari Wulandari Yenni Apriliany Devy Yohanna Lilis Handayani Yudi Uni Fiandi Yuliana Simatupang Yulianti Sampora Yuliati - Yundari, Yundari Yunita, Ika Yusnaeni Yusnaeni Yusnaeni Yusnaeni Yusran Nur Indar Yuyun Fadilah Zaenal Abidin Zakiyah Zakiyah Zhanaz Tasya Zulkhairi Zulkhairi Zwelithini Bongani Dhlamini